
January 12, 2012

Making Stuff

This little baby of mine is almost 4 weeks old, and I'm slowly starting to get back into the normal swing of things.  She isn't a champion night time sleeper, but since this is my third, I know the night waking won't last forever.  And she has actually been better at night than the two year old.  He has the croup, and sleep apnea, and a habit of waking at night, so we have been pretty tired around here.  Needless to say, I haven't been making much of anything lately.  Unless you count lots of milk, dirty dishes, the occasional meal, and piles of both dirty and clean laundry.

I did have a burst of energy the other day and I made a few quick pairs of little leggings out of old shirts.  One of the thrift stores I frequent is having a deal where you can have 5 free items of clothing per week for the month of January.  You don't even have to buy anything else.  I picked up a couple of items to actually wear, but mostly I've come home with clothing meant to repurpose.  Making baby leggings is super easy, especially if you use the bottom hem of a shirt for your pant legs.  I traced a pair of tiny newborn sized leggings for my pattern, and put two pairs together pretty fast.  The construction is simple.  Sew the side seams of both legs.  Then sew the crotch seam.  Make a casing for your elastic and thread it through (or sew the elastic directly to the top) and you are finished.  Knit doesn't fray, so you don't have to stress about finishing, but I like to use the stretch overcast stitch on my machine to keep things tidy on the side seams.  And I use a double needle on the waist band for looks and for stretch.  Easy.  And that is frankly about all I can manage these days.

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