
December 30, 2011

Merry (late) Christmas

I'm just popping in to say that we had a lovely Christmas.  We attended Christmas parties, exchanged gifts, ate our weight in goodies, and tried to remember the true meaning of Christmas at the same time.  We also got a new camera, and Mr. Carlee and I have been having lots of fun playing with it.  We found the tutorial for making the lights look like stars here.   

I've been doing lots of baby snuggling, and trying to get into the swing of having three kids.  Sewing, blogging, laundry, house cleaning, cooking, and leaving the house, are all taking a backseat right now as I try to get things figured out around here.  Lucky for me, my mother-in-law came to stay for the first week, and Mr. Carlee is working from home (and not full-time yet) this week.  I am slowly feeling like a normal person again, although it's going to be awhile before my jeans fit (sigh).  Baby's are worth it though, right?  Especially a baby as sweet as my new little girl. 

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