
Mary Frances

Mary Frances is our paternal grandmother.

When she was a young mother with six children, her husband died in a tragic accident.  On her own, she  raised her children and ran a large cattle ranch on the Canadian prairies.

But Grandma wasn't just a single mother and cattle rancher--she was a woman with taste and ambition.  She was an amazing seamstress and crafter.  She was involved in politics and was knowledgeable about the British Royals, Russia, and her family's ancestry.  She loved to travel and read great books.  She had fine china and real silver.

Our Grandma is inspiring to us because she showed that a person can be more than what her circumstances seem to allow.

The Mary Frances Project is about taking this inspiration from our Grandmother, and becoming the women that we want to be, and celebrating who we are, and where we've come from.

The Project
In our blog, we focus on four areas:


Click on the links to learn more about our efforts, and to see what we've been working on.  We hope that you'll find something here to inspire your life as well.

Carlee and Emily
We are sisters and best friends.  The Internet is pretty great because it keeps us feeling close.  Aside from working on this blog together, long Skype chats are an important part of our friendship as are the occasional long flight and short visit.

Although we didn't always love being together as kids and teenagers, we have been super close as adults.  We were college roommates, went on a study abroad together in Vienna, Austria, got engaged a week apart from each other, and even shared a wedding dress.  (Emily was engaged first, but Carlee got married first.)  Our first babies were born a month apart from each other.

Carlee lives in New England with her family while Mr. Carlee works on his PhD.  She has two adorable boys and one baby girl.  In her former life (before kids), she worked for an online marketing company and only misses it on her craziest days.

Emily just moved to Alberta, Canada, where Mr. Emily works as a chiropractor.  She has two sweet girls.  In her former life, she taught grade three.  She secretly wishes she could go back to school and get her PhD, so she can be a doctor too.
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